十大赌博正规老平台 Launches Great Blue Heron Rookery Webcam

成功的众筹活动和企业十大赌博正规老平台 让Cam成为可能

安纳波利斯, MD – Following a successful crowdfunding campaign and corporate donations, the 十大赌博正规老平台 today announced the launch of its third wildlife webcam. 除了鱼鹰和游隼的摄像头, visitors to the 十大赌博正规老平台’s website can now also enjoy a Great Blue Heron cam (heron cam). 现场直播网络摄像头位于 sotanomc.net/blue-heron-webcam, gives viewers around-the-clock coverage of a heron rookery located on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

“We’re thrilled with this chance to share these majestic birds with the public. We often see Great Blue Herons soaring in the sky or hunting fish by the water’s edge, but rarely do we get to see them up close and at home in their rookery. We’re so grateful for the more than 100 people whose donations have made this possible and to the homeowner who is lucky enough to have this magnificent habitat in their backyard and is willing to share it with the world,十大赌博正规老平台协会总裁兼首席执行官乔尔·邓恩说.

“The 十大赌博正规老平台 uses technology to connect, conserve and restore the Chesapeake. Through our wildlife webcams and virtual tours of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail, we hope technology will help connect people to the Chesapeake Bay,邓恩继续说道. “人们看到这些标志性的物种,就会爱上它们. They see how the birds interact with their habitats and it creates a desire to support conservation efforts such as Maryland’s Program Open Space and the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund to protect the ecosystems that sustain these and all wildlife in the region.”

A private homeowner contacted the 十大赌博正规老平台 last month expressing an interest in sharing the rookery located on their property with the world via a webcam. 在过去的十年里, 这里有10到12只燕窝, 还有多达50只苍鹭, 在离地100英尺的火炬松树林里.

Logistics moved quickly as the herons were soon to return to the rookery to mate and incubate their eggs.  The 十大赌博正规老平台 turned to the public for financial support to launch the new webcam by crowdfunding through a gofundme.com运动. To date, more than $6,500 has been raised from more than 100 donors, ranging from $5 to $500. While the 十大赌博正规老平台 will continue to fundraise to support and maintain the cam, 这足以让摄像头启动并运行.

摄像头的动力来自 慷慨陈词, who donated equipment and Internet services for the live-stream. 天际线技术解决方案公司., based in Glen Burnie, MD, provided a discounted installation rate and equipment. Skyline also supports the 十大赌博正规老平台’s osprey and peregrine falcon cams. 轴的通信 还提供了打折设备. 慷慨地, 一家总部设在里赫贝斯的树木公司, DE, donated their services to mount the cam in the 100-foot-tall pine.

Heron cam features a wider-angle view to capture activity from multiple nests, 还有红外线夜视,可以在黑暗中看到东西. 目前, 在摄像机上可以看到两个鸟巢, and one is home to two herons alternating incubation of their eggs. 据信,这些蛋将于4月中旬孵化. 房主给这对夫妇取名为“雷尔” & Eddie” after the surfers Rell Sunn and Eddie Aikau, both deceased but not forgotten.

“Another nest featured more prominently on the cam seems to be serving as a ‘supply closet’ for the heron rookery. I jokingly call the visitors ‘great blue bandits’ as they periodically land there to ‘steal’ sticks for their own nests. 当一个强盗登陆时,真是令人吃惊,” 十大赌博正规老平台 Director of Communications Jody Couser said. 松树在微风中摇曳,有时, 当刮风的时候, 我想知道蛋如何留在巢里. 晚上,你经常能听到附近猫头鹰的叫声.”



“慷慨陈词 is proud to partner with the 十大赌博正规老平台 to help bring the natural beauty of Maryland’s Eastern Shore to bird watchers around the world,帕特·海因斯说, 慷慨陈词的区域运营总监. “This initiative is a shining example of how 慷慨陈词’s innovative high-speed Internet technology positively impacts the communities we serve.”

“天际线科技方案 is pleased to partner with the 十大赌博正规老平台 on a third wildlife webcam. It’s exciting to see our technology help connect people with nature and benefit the conservation movement,——阿伦·卡恩, 业务发展, 天际线技术解决方案公司.说,.

The 十大赌博正规老平台 currently hosts two successful webcams featuring osprey and peregrine falcons, which have each attracted more than a million views a year from around the world. “汤姆和奥黛丽,“是肯特岛的名人鱼鹰夫妇和游隼”都和巴布 住在巴尔的摩市中心的泛美摩天大楼上.

根据 切萨皮克湾项目’s website, great blue herons live in colonies called rookeries. These tall, bluish-gray wading birds have long, pointed bills and graceful, S-shaped necks. They live year-round in marshes and wetlands throughout the Chesapeake Bay region and are also found on freshwater lakes, 池塘和蓄水池. The great blue heron grows to 4 feet tall with a 6 to 7 foot wingspan. Despite its large size, its hollow bones allow it to weigh only 5 to 6 pounds. 大蓝鹭主要吃鱼, 但也以昆虫为食, 两栖动物, 甲壳类动物和其他小动物. 它悄无声息地在浅水区跟踪猎物, 然后把喙伸进水里捕捉猎物. It will spend about 90 percent of its waking hours hunting for food.